Saturday, April 18, 2020

Crazy Times

These are definitely crazy times. Covid-19 has the whole world practically shut down and sheltering in place. Mom says that 10 years from now there'll be television commercials from law firms stating that if you were over exposed to hand sanitizers in 2020 you may be entitled to compensation.

Personally, I've not been faring too badly. We are back home in NH where I get to run in the old pastures every day. When Mom and Dad had goats and sheep they had fenced several large pastures. Mom is busy opening the gates between them so I have about 10 acres of mixed fields and wooded areas to run in. It's a Vizsla's fondest dream come true. Meanwhile, my folks spend lots of time wearing muzzles they call face masks, (to my knowledge, I've never heard people biting one another so I'm not quite understanding all of it), and washing their hands. And people even spend some of their hours making funny videos. Here's one I want to share with you that has lots of Vizslas doing the proper thing by using hand sanitizers. Click on the link below, I hope you enjoy.

It's Going To Be a White Christmas!

Winter has arrived in NH. In the past several years we haven't had much snow but this year promises to be a good, old-fashioned, north c...