Monday, November 14, 2022


As we continue preparations to leave the frozen tundra of northern NH in favor of a bit warmer winter, there are a myriad of tasks to accomplish. I have a to-do list that seems a mile long. Each time I mark something as completed I feel a sense of accomplishment. But when I can cross 2 things off the list at once, I'm very much inspired to double down on the rest of it.

Two things on the list were to give Dora a bath and to wash the blankets on the couches that protect the furniture. However, I never intended to do those at 6 in the morning. Last week Jim got up to let the dogs out for their morning "duties". A short while later he yelled that I was going to want to get up and come downstairs right away. I couldn't imagine what was so urgent. As I opened the bedroom door the answer was immediately apparent. Dora had been skunked!

I searched out the bottle of Nature's Miracle Skunk Deodorizer that I'd bought quite a few years ago when we had hunting dogs that we're always running through the woods. I never had occasion to use it but I knew right where it was, just in case. Jim placed Dora in the tub and I set to work. I'm here to tell you that stuff works! I used it according to directions on the bottle, then shampooed her with Mane & Tail Shampoo and Conditioner. She came out smelling sweet without a hint of skunk.

While she was drying off I grabbed the couch blankets and threw those in the washer. Hooray, 2 tasks crossed off the list, although I hadn't quite intended to do those at 6 a.m. Dora wasn't appreciative of a bath at that hour either, although I can't say she's ever appreciative of it no matter what time of day. I did distinctly hear her complaining that black and white "kitty" in the driveway wasn't very friendly.

It's Going To Be a White Christmas!

Winter has arrived in NH. In the past several years we haven't had much snow but this year promises to be a good, old-fashioned, north c...