Friday, May 8, 2020

Meeting My #1 Fan

Just because we're at our "sticks and bricks" home for the summer, and have basically been staying at home because of, well, the "stay at home" orders because of Covid-19, doesn't mean I don't still have wonderful adventures. We went to a friend's house to pick out a meat cow that will be delivered in nice, neat packages for the freezer this fall. It's pretty special when you know where your food comes from and how it's raised. You get better quality food when you buy from local farmers. Mom says she wants to know "who" she's eating and that it had a nice life before that one bad moment.

Being a dog, and a young one at that, I don't know not to chase the cows and become a Vizsla pancake. So for my own safety Mom and Dad made me stay in the truck. Lots of folks came to pat me though, since I had my head hanging out the window.

On the way home we stopped to visit some other friends, visiting outside and keeping a safe distance of course. Susie is one of the top fans of my blog and has followed my adventures all winter. So I was happy to meet her and even happier to lick her face all over. It's the least I can do to say thank you for reading all my stories. If there are any other fans out there just let me know so I can give you extra kisses if I ever meet you in person.
Susie, one of my #1 fans!

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